Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s absurd ideas

Port Blair airport Absurd ideas of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi  (This article was originally published…

Two “social engineers” to help architects of “India Vision 2047”?

 Two “social engineers” of Bihar to help architects of  “India Vision 2047”?  Bihar Chief Minister…

चोर मचाये शोर, एक मौसमी लघु कथा

चोर मचाये शोर एक मौसमी लघु कथा है। एक समय की बात है, एक राज्य…

Gandhis’ deadly deal with Mrs. Thatcher for Westland Helicopters

  (Whenever I hear the word 'Westland" my goes to the era when Rajeev Gandhi…

Birth of a new revolutionary

(Political Satire) (The image is symbolic. It is not the image of the "hero" of…

Dr. Manmohan Singh: An Evaluation by an Insider

Dr. Manmohan Singh: An Evaluation by an Insider (Devendra Narain's memoirs) ( I originally posted…

Is Imran Khan now a NOBODY in Pakistan?

Is Prime Minister Imran Khan now a NOBODY in Pakistan? Three developments on a single…

An unanswered question

The Question remains unanswered The other day I met a starving person. I had no…

Kashmir issue: what and why

 No Kashmir issue, no political space for Abdullah family Farooq Abdullah says no power on…

Suraj Aadab, Good Morning Sun

If you do not like to say "Surya Namaskar", say "Suraj Aadab" Good Morning Surya…