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Kashmir issue: what and why

 No Kashmir issue, no political space for Abdullah family

Farooq Abdullah says no power on earth can touch Article 370 until #Kashmir issue is resolved.

What is this Kashmir issue? Muslim politicians  still living in the medieval age have made Kashmir an “issue” only because they cannot accept a Muslim majority region being part of a Hindu majority country.

Such arrow-minded politicians– they are not leaders, they are ‘misleaders’ – have ruined Kashmir. It is because of such politicians that #separatists have become so rich and powerful and internal and external terrorists get support and encouragement to kill people.

People like Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti have a vested interest in Keeping the so called ‘Kashmir issue’ alive. They have made the so called issue the basis of your existence in politics.

Kashmir is an ‘issue’ for Pakistan because it wants to grab the Muslim dominated region and has to keep ISI, Pakistan Army, and terrorist organisations operating from Pakistan happy. Without their support, no Pakistan government can survive for a day. Kashmiri politicians talking of ‘Kashmir issue’ are dancing to the tune of all the anti-Indian forces in Pakistan.


American Presidents have vested interest in troubled spots in the world; they get an opportunity to remind the whole world that they alone are custodians of  world peace.


The American Presidents have also  vested interest in ‘Kashmir issue’. In fact, American Presidents have vested interest in tensions all over the world. Every American President thinks that it is his birth right to intervene in other’s affairs and tell the whole world that America is the most powerful country in the world.

By claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi requested him to mediate between India and Pakistan over ‘Kashmir issue’, President Donald Trump has not covered himself with glory. He has only added to the long list of his lies and immature statements. By now, the whole world knows that Trump is a habitual liar. According to the American media, during the last 2 years, he has 8158 lies to his credit.

By speaking on an average 17 lies a day, Trump has made himself the subject of ridicule not only in his own country but all over the world. Well, that is Trump’s way of ensuring that he is not re-elected as American President.

The US foreign office has already issued a statement that Kashmir being an ‘issue’ between India and Pakistan, there is no question of any mediation by another country. On the floor of the Lok Sabha, the Indian Foreign Minister has also put on record that Prime Minister Modi never requested President Trump to mediate.

Anyone who knows Modi, knows that he is the last person to request anyone to mediate between India and Pakistan. However, most of the opposition politicians have lapped upTrump’s white lie to attack Modi. They want Modi to personally deny Trump’s claim even after it has been denied by Trump’s own foreign office. What is the guarantee that even if Modi personally denies Trump’s lie, the opposition leaders will not ask for proof of what Modi is claiming? The opposition leaders are interested only in condemning Modi, even if that amounts to speaking the language of Pakistan Pakistan and the country. Pakistan has already expressed its happiness over Trump’s lie.

The official stand of the Government of India (GOI) should be that the so-called ‘Kashmir issue’ is India’s internal matter, that no country, whether it is Pakistan or America, has anything to do with it. The GOI need to tell the whole world that Pakistan should not be under the illusion that only because Kashmir is a Muslim majority region adjacent to Pakistan, it has a right to speak about Kashmir, that Pakistan is not the guardian of Muslims outside its country. The GOI should also warn Kashmiri politicians like Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti that the so-called ‘Kashmir issue’ is nothing but there conspiracy to remain relevant in the valley because they do not know any better method of doing politics.

Those who understand Kashmir’s economy know that Kashmir as an independent country will not be viable. As part of Pakistan it will be ruined.

Please let Kashmiri Muslims live in peace. Majority of them would gladly join the main-stream if you people stop misleading them.

Devendra Narain


Devendra Narain

Hello, my name is Devendra Narain. I live in Gurugram, Haryana, India. I write serious blogs as well as satires on challenges before us.

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