“Justice is Blind” versus “Legal Realism”

"Justice is Blind” versus "Legal Realism"   There are two types of judicial orders. One…

Congress Election Manifesto 2024, a result of mental bankruptcy

The nominal Congress President sandwiched between the two owners of the party Congress Election Manifesto…

The Congress Files on misdeeds and sins

  An introduction to “The Congress Files”  (Kindle edition available. Link:   https://amzn.in/d/aDThbXI Preface My book “The…


Zee News FollowView Profile SHOCKING BLASPHEMY? Muslim man sits inside Shiva temple in Indore, flashes…

Glitches Galore in e-filing portal of Income Tax Department

Glitches galore in e-filing portal of Income Tax Department Out of sheer desperation, I am…

मेरे डैड को किसने मारा?

इबुक अमेज़न पर उपलब्ध है. लिंक: https://amzn.eu/d/3rO6vWS   "मेरे डैड को किसने मारा?" का सारांश…

ये टेढ़े मेढ़े रास्ते

कहानी संग्रह "ये टेढ़े मेढ़े रास्ते" की एक कहानी “जो घर जारे अपना…….” की कुछ…

Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s absurd ideas

Port Blair airport Absurd ideas of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi  (This article was originally published…

Law of Black Money: If left uncontrolled it will continue to grow in size

Once again the annual budget has ignored this ground reality. The government’s reluctance to mention…

Two “social engineers” to help architects of “India Vision 2047”?

 Two “social engineers” of Bihar to help architects of  “India Vision 2047”?  Bihar Chief Minister…