On a single day, November 14, 2019, that happens to be the birthday of his great-grandfather (his father’s maternal grandfather), the Supreme Court of India has snubbed Rahul Gandhi twice.
In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court dismissed all review petitions on Rafael deal. During the election campaign, Rahul Gandhi had tried his level best to mislead the country, stall import of best fighters badly needed for India’s defence and even threatened to send an honest Prime Minister, #NarendraModi, to jail if he came back to power. Now, it is time to prosecute him for all your falsehood and anti-national activities.
By another order, the Supreme Court accepted Rahul Gandhi’s “unconditional apology” and closed the contempt proceedings against him over his ‘chowkidar chor hai’ campaign with only a warning “to be careful in future”. He had deliberately and mischievously attributed the ‘chowkidar chow hai’ remark to the Supreme Court to mislead the country. He should be grateful to the Supreme Court for its mercy
Rahul Gandhi is reported to be on the so-called ‘meditation tour’. It Is actually his ‘escape tour’ because he has no courage to face the consequences of all his anti-national activities and political failures.
The era of Nehru-Gandhi family control over the Congress is coming to an end. When the family control ends, the Congress is bound to disintegrate.
Devendra Narain
Link for more articles on Congress
A dynasty called Indian National Congress https://www.devendranarain.com/a-dynasty-called…ational-congress/
Congress party and Nehru-Gandhi dynasty are destroying each other https://www.devendranarain.com/congress-party-a…oying-each-other/
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